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The author spent seven nights in an ocean-view stateroom on Wonder of the Seas, one of the world’s largest cruise ships.
Joey Hadden/Business Insider
I booked a stateroom on Royal Caribbean’s Wonder of the Seas, one of the biggest cruise ships.
For $2,000 a week, the 179-square-foot ocean-view cabin had a private bathroom and a king-size bed.
I thought I’d feel cramped in the room, but it had everything I needed and left no space unused.
I spent seven nights in an ocean-view stateroom on deck eight for $2,000. The cruise was on sale, as it was originally priced at $3,000. Take a look inside the 179-square-foot space.
My room was a mid-tier cabin at the front of deck eight.
This article was originally published by Joey Hadden at All Content from Business Insider – Read this article and more at (https://www.businessinsider.com/royal-caribbean-wonder-of-the-seas-cruise-ocean-view-room).
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