- When I first moved to Colorado, I tried skiing and snowboarding for the first time.
- After attempting the two sports, I realized they have major differences.
- Stopping on a snowboard was easier, but I loved having ski poles to propel me across flat surfaces.
Growing up in Florida, my winters involved ocean plunges in bathing suits, not skiing in snowsuits.
When I moved to Denver in 2021, I had never clipped into skis or strapped into a snowboard. Meanwhile, it seemed like a sport everyone did and loved.
As my first Colorado summer turned into my first Colorado winter, I was ready to give these winter hobbies a shot.
This article was originally published by Monica Humphries at All Content from Business Insider – Read this article and more at (https://www.businessinsider.com/biggest-differences-skiing-vs-snowboarding-photos-2023-2).
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